The Role of Communication and Informatics in the Future of the Digital World

Juan Turpyn
2 min readAug 25, 2021
Juan Turpyn and Riri Safitri on Live Instagram (20/08)

Aspects of communication, informatics and the digital world are not separated from each other. The role of these three parts in the future of digitalization is also the progress of Indonesian civilization that is awaited by the relevant parties. At the surgical session of the informatics study program with the Chairperson of informatics study program of Al-Azhar University Indonesia (UAI), Riri Safitri, S.Si., M.T. last Friday (20/08), UAI strongly prioritized the preparation of education and knowledge about informatics and digital communication needed in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.

Juan Turpyn, UAI Student who also follows the development of communication and informatics in the digital world also said these three roles cannot be separated from each other, even the role of this field is often associated with sustainable development goals. Riri Safitri as The Head of Informatics also explained the importance of informatics learning in the future of the nation.

“Informatics becomes a dynamic and learning discipline with unique characteristics, technological developments and informatics become important things that must be considered in the future of the digital world.” Said Riri Safitri who also teaches in the UAI Informatics Study Program.
The interaction between Kaprodi Informatika, Riri Safitri and also UAI Student, Juan Turpyn was created communicatively.

The audience present at the UAI informatics study program surgery program is also aligned so that the message of the importance of education, knowledge, and education of the digital world runs well. Hopefully with this event further adds insight into the importance of the role of communication, informatics in the future of the digital world for the public at large.

